Key Mobile App Security Features to Consider in 2024


Statista forecasts that there will be a total of 7.41 billion mobile users all around the world in 2024. It is hard to deny that almost everywhere you go, there are some people sitting in the corner, scrolling on their mobile phones for hours. You are probably even reading this on your mobile phone!  

With the rise of mobile phone users, mobile apps have become a familiar tactic for businesses to interact with their target customers. However, cyberattacks are wild these days. Therefore, mobile app security features are currently one of the most critical topics in the mobile app industry. 

In this blog post, we introduce to you some of the best mobile app security features for you to include in your mobile app this year 2024. 

I. Why Mobile App Security Matters?  

Mobile apps are where businesses connect and engage with their customers. Whenever an app is installed onto a user’s phone, it will require permission to access certain functions and data to properly function. Therefore, it is critical for companies to make sure their apps are secure enough to protect users’ phones and data from any cyberthreats. 

These days, regulations are constantly changing to keep up with the evolving data protection requirements. Hence, paying close attention to mobile app security features will not only help companies gain trust from customers, but also avoid any penalties for violating the cybersecurity laws. 

In the current competitive landscape, businesses with effective mobile app security features will be ahead of the game and gain a significant competitive advantage against their rivals. Moreover, as a part of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 with new technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), businesses that put a strong emphasis on mobile app security can ensure their own safety without disrupting their operations. Cyberattacks are now a major concern across all industries, and therefore, the need for mobile app security features becomes even more vital than ever. 

II. Common Mobile Application Security Threats  

We have mentioned cyberthreats several times above already, but what exactly are those threats that mobile apps users and developers are currently facing? Let’s find out: 

Malware from third-party integrations: Unconfirmed integrations of a third-party application can be risky and have a high possibility of containing malware. The malware could cause your app to malfunction, or even stop functioning, and steal all of the data stored within the app. Secure mobile app security features like code signing and reputation checks are good choices to reduce the risk of third-party malware. 


  • Possible data leaks: Data leaks can happen because of even the smallest fault in your process of storing data or communicating. Data encryption is now a popular practice to avoid this threat that you should check out. 
  • Application programming interface vulnerabilities: Using old and unsafe APIs is like inviting hackers to attack your system. You should always have a strong authentication process within the list of your mobile app security features for your APIs. 
  • Exposed credentials: Again, the problem of poor storage can put you and your users in real danger. You gotta have strong encryption for passwords and data to prevent this from happening.  
  • Interference of app’s coding: Another security threat is that your app’s coding could be altered. So, you really need to have specific mobile app security features to make this difficult for hackers. 
  • Unsecured network traffic: Data transmitted over unsecured networks can be dangerous. Mobile app security features like HTTPS for all communication is the one to go for. 
  • Vulnerable outdated software: Applications with software that are not the latest update can be riskier to cyber-attacks. Make sure that you always keep your app updated! 
  • Insufficient testing: Testing would never be necessary, let alone not testing at all. Untested apps are most vulnerable to cyberattacks, so you gotta make sure to test your app carefully before its official launching.  
  • Lack of rules for file uploads: This is why attackers can upload malicious files to your app and mess it up. Please make sure to always include file type restrictions and file scanning as a part of your mobile app security features. 
  • Little to no encryption: Weak encryption process makes it easy for hackers to get inside of your system and do whatever they want. You wouldn’t want that. So, always prioritize encryption as a part of your mobile app security features. 
  • Lack of multi-factor authentication: Who uses single-factor authentication anymore? It’s 2024 and multi-factor authentication is not a matter of choice, it’s a requirement! 

Above are just some of the most common security threats. You need to know that there might be a lot more issues and the number is only increasing. Now the question is not “Why do I have to include mobile app security features?”, but “How do I do it?”. Let’s find the answers right now! 

III. What are Mobile App Security Features  

Mobile app security features are nothing other than those that help you keep your app safe and secure. You have read all about how important they are, how many cyberthreats are out there, and if you are still reading until this point of this article, we are positive that you are eager to find out ways to help you secure your app better. That’s exactly what we’re about to offer! 

Different apps can have very different functions, but when it comes to mobile app security features, there are some that must always be prioritized no matter what kind of app you’re making. These security features will be your lifesaver in maintaining a smooth app operation AND help you gain trust from your customers. That’s hitting two birds with just one stone! Let’s explore what they are: 

  • Authentication: The first among this list of mobile app security features is authentication. You wouldn’t wanna let a stranger inside your house, just like how you wouldn’t like it if unauthorized users sneak into your app. Features like multi-factor authentication (MFA), biometrics (fingerprint, facial recognition), and a password stronger than Hercules are all you need to keep that stranger outside. 
  • Secure coding practices: The app's functionality relies on its code, which is where hackers are aiming at. Secure coding practices are the second among the list of mobile app security features, including encryption, obfuscation, and minification that make your code harder to attack. But you’re not done there. Also remember to review your codes regularly and make adjustments if necessary to avoid any potential gaps that might attract hackers. 
  • End-to-end encryption: Here we are talking about encryption…again. Yes, it is that important and yes you should definitely have it as one of your mobile app security features. It ensures data remains ‘mysterious’, only those who are worthy can learn what that data is about. 
  • Secure data storage: User data is valuable, and secure storage acts properly are like keeping it all in a safe - only authorized people with the right key can open it. This helps prevent unauthorized access and breaches. This is one of the important mobile app security features that allows you to continue and preserve all of the efforts made by other security features above. 
  • Backend security: Hackers just seem to really love the app’s data processing backend. You can avoid their attacks with mobile app security features like secure APIs, network security protocols, and timely vulnerability patching.  
  • Regular testing: Security is not something you do once and it’s all set. It’s something you have to constantly test and review, again and again, to make sure you don’t miss any possible issues. Regular security audits, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessments are some additional mobile app security features you can try out.  
  • Privacy compliance: Once you join the race of making mobile apps, you have officially become a citizen of the cybersecurity world. And obviously, as a citizen, you have to obey the law. There are many global privacy regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA that you need to pay attention to. Complying with privacy regulations is the single most important mobile app security feature to have. 

IV. Final Thoughts  

The world is getting more and more digitized. There is no way you can get away from that fact, especially if you are doing business and trying to gain a share of the competitive market. Mobile apps are great and all, but this is not just a story about convenience or customer reach anymore. Mobile app security is a real problem and needs real attention from companies so that the cyberworld would be safer for businesses and users alike.  

Familiarize yourself with mobile app security features, and make sure that everyone in your team also understands very well how important these practices are. Once the whole team knows to prioritize security while developing mobile apps for your business, other things like smooth operation and retaining customers will also come into place. 

We said it above and we’ll say it again here: security features are no longer a matter of choice, it’s a requirement. Including security features for your mobile app might take some extra time and effort of your team, but we promise it will all be worthwhile in the long run. 
